
corporate cleveland (3)

Dr. Weems and myself seem to disagree on the opportunity of high students to work part-time in the corporate while also attending classes during the academic school year. Dr. Weems does not like this theory or practice, because working in a corporate office is not part of a child's education; in fact, it is a major hindrance and distraction. This was not what our founding fathers intended for the American educational system to be. I, on the other hand, believe that this corporate exposure for teenagers is invaluable (and I have personally witnessed the effects of such a program during my short stay at St. Martin de Porres HS, which is located in the St. Clair-Superior neighborhood and part of the Cristo Rey Network...see video clips in the margin). Students in the 9th thru 12th grades are required to spend one day per week working at a corporate setting. This service allows for each low-income student and their families to attend St. Martin's, which has an estimated tuition of $11,000 per year. More importantly, I think, the CWSP (Corporate Work Study Program), which is what this program is called, provides teenagers with the soft & hard skills (i.e. time management, organization, conflict resolution, professionalism, networking, career orientation) that not only will be introduced to them, but refined and polished as they step onto college campuses.

1 comment:

  1. Tommy.
    I finally am taking the time to read some of these. To play devil's advocate, are the students really getting a flavor? They're working one day a week and who know what happens during that day. The company might just be having them filing or doing the work they've saved up for when they came that's busy-work. I think of "interns" at Mom's work. They're folding laundry and making sure the room is set-up for the next patient. Is that really exposing them to what the career path is like? Yes, those parts are critical to making it run smoothly, but we want American youth to feel empowered in that they can enter a career and vocation that digs at their passion and I know if I was a high school student with high dreams (as I did and still do have!) working in an office of my dreams filing or a physcial therapist booth stocking towels I would want to see what they really do. WHILE also understanding in order to get where you want you have to start small in the business,but if I don't know what I'm working up to, my aspirations might be diminished.

    LOVE you! All good work but we need to challenge each other and make our philosophies even BETTER! : )
