
running commentary (life notes #2-4)


6% (-2% for missing Takaki/Spring) First, come and talk to me about my theory and your questions. Excellent notes. General comments:
Got tech - so true - disturbing too
excellent clip
Tupac's one of my heroes - flawed but open, honest, and an activist through his rap lyrics
Yes, this is a small smapling but its reach is broad because of its focus - students sharing what's important to them about teaching.
?what about "pretty" comment :) ? Should this be a requirement too?
Yes, empathy is so important in personal and professional life
yes, each individual has their own lens/experiences etc. and assumptions are dangerous and often "wrong"
Q: Because teachers are human too and all people want to be liked
Three ingredients: co-establishing a welcoming learning environment based in: mutual respect, reciprocal learning, sharing/caring
no it wouldn't change with age/grade leve
Excellent - images, youtube clips, etc.
Weems - Creative writings (like all artistic creations) ultimately are up to the interpretation of each audience member - make your own meanings out of this work --take from it what you can use.
eyewitness accounts - memory is fleeting and reconstruction always flawed as people are flawed.
Speaking up - is risky - takes time and begins with working through your own issues first - keep being conscious and working on it.
Note: "not" satire - this was Koon's perspective.
Peace, Dr. Weems


Hi Tom: 8% Well done, thoughtfull, Life Notes Q: Where is your running Reference list link? If I'm missing it let me know where I can access it...if it's missing...make certain to include it next time.
General comments:
Excellent opening re: Irish ancestry --so true in Ireland it's a deeply religious holiday
Lots of other examples (my work included) of voices of the oppressed speaking out
Strong images throughout on sidebar - cartoons, geisha (why did your girlfrend do this?), youtube clips etc.
Cristo Rey - clip too long to watch, per my request be certain to add a descriptive comment, baseball - good lived experience connect
respond - Corporate focus of schooling "not" all bad - I "do" see the positive but I also see the BIG negative -- education valued only to the extent it prepares you for work
I respect your perspective and suggest that as you grow as a person your prespective may change a bit--become more empathetic. I ask: How would it feel to "be" in the world if every thought and feeling you had was as a woman "but" outwardly you were physically male? This is what transgendered folks "live" everyday. Also, God makes no mistakes and all religions teach us to be non-judgemental, loving and compassionate yes?
Excellent segments on Japan and Language use

Dr. Weems


Hi Tom ;)
8% - Really enjoyed this set of Life Notes -- difficult to discern which "set" I was reading though -- find a way to make this clear for next set (i.e. L.N. #1, #2 , etc.)
General comments:
1. Link your comments to quotes etc. "more" to your lived experience to date and what you are noticing in today's society (locally, current events etc.) around these issues.
2. Language so key to culture yes!
3. Excellent Youtube clips (Chinese) remind me to let you share "one" in our class
4. A keener ear - Good -- courage to "know" yourself comes first
5. Excellent creative elements on side blog -- like surveys too
every worker called by a number :(
6. Amish (culture) religion - excellent comment
7. I want you to share "Terror under tree clip" too - Tuesday
8. Q#1 It will happen one person at a time - it's not considered a positive (social change/justice) to have a world that loves, supports and empathizes---counter power paradigm
Q#2 No. education always touted as a national priority "but" what is it really?

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